Past Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Annual General Meeting

Monday June 27, 2016 at 5:00 PM

Theatre C, Basic Medical Sciences Building

(download as pdf)

President: Sadeesh Srinathan
Secretary: Pamela Orr
Treasurer: Ed Leung
Vice – President: Eric Bow sent regrets
Members-at-Large: Pam Holens; Jennifer Ducharme and Don Houston sent regrets Past President- Alan Jackson sent regrets.
Present: S. Srinathan, Ed Leung, P. Orr, P. Holens, Jane Bow, R.A. Marrie, Larry Tan.

1. Call to order:

The meeting commenced at 5:10 PM. This meeting followed a previous AGM meeting, which took place on June 21, 2016. A quorum was not reached at that meeting. In accordance with the constitution, this meeting was then arranged. A quorum is not required for this meeting.

2. Approval of the agenda:

Moved by Ed Leung, seconded by Ruth Ann Marrie. Motion carried.

3. Approval of the minutes of June 25, 2016:

Moved by Jane Bow, seconded by Ed Leung. Motion carried.

4. Treasurers Report:

Ed Leung advised that the current CTAM financial balance is $25,410.46. No membership fees were charged for the year July2015 to June 2016. The current CTAM website maintenance costs approximately $392.11 per year, and the bank fee is $4.05 per year.

5. Election of Executive Committee Members:

The President reported the following:

Jennifer Ducharme indicated in writing that she was stepping down as Member-at-Large.
Pam Holens has one more year left in her term as Member-at-Large
Alan Jackson has one year left in his term as Past-President
Eric Bow has come to the end of his term as Vice – President.
Pamela Orr has come to the end of her two year term as Secretary.
In response to a call for nominations and election:

a) For the position of Vice-President: Don Houston was nominated for this position by Larry Tan, seconded by Pam Holens. Voting ensued and Don Houston was elected as Vice-President.

b) For the position of Secretary: Pamela Orr was nominated (for a second term) by Pam Holens, seconded by Ed Leung. Voting ensued and Pamela Orr was elected for a second term as Secretary.

c) For member-at-Large, 2 year position: Eric Bow was nominated (for another term) by Ruth Ann Marrie, seconded by Pam Holens. Voting ensued and Eric Bow was elected as Member-at-Large.

d) For Member-at-Large, 2 year position: Lesley Koven was nominated by Pam Holens and seconded by Jane Bow. Larry Tan was nominated by Ed Leung and seconded by Ruth Ann Marrie. A vote ensued. Larry Tan was elected as Member-at-Large.

6. Membership Dues:

The President clarified that anyone who has signed up as a member of CTAM in the past is still considered a current member. A Member in good standing is defined as someone who has signed up as a member in the past, and has paid dues at some time in the past. The President indicated that the Executive Committee recommended to the membership that membership fees for July 2016 to June 2017 be waived. A motion to that effect was made by Pam Holens, seconded by Ed Leung. A vote ensued. The motion carried.

7. Update on CTAM activities:

The President indicated that CTAM successfully advocated for the 3.5% raise in University of Manitoba salary, for GFT members, in 2015.
The President and Treasurer outlined current issues regarding the CTAM website. The need to have a website that is up to date and is “updateable” was discussed. The membership expressed an interest in a website accessible to handheld devices.
A motion was made by Pamela Orr, seconded by Larry Tan, to empower the Treasurer, with guidance from the Executive Committee, to establish (with a proposed initial expenditure of approximately $1200) a new website and website manager to allow for a website that is up to date, that will be easy to keep up to date, and will be accessible to various internet devices. A vote ensued. The motion was carried.

8. Other business:

None declared.

9. Motion to dismiss the meeting:

Motion by Pamela Orr, seconded by Jane Bow. Motion carried. The meeting ended at 6:05 PM.